Five Things (about me)

Ivory roses in mixed purple dye, purple dye from the bottle, and green food dye

Hi there new readers and long time friends. It’s lovely to see you this dreary day.

How is everyone? I know some of my new readers by virtue of them reaching out to me to say hello or commenting when they see me in person, but I’m interested in hearing from others also!

Usually Five Things looks a little different, but since I’ve seen a whole bunch of new visitor activity, I thought I’d change it up a little and have another “about me” post.

Now, I love a good ice breaker and know that makes me a little weird. The first thing I’m going to tell you? I’m more than a little weird to most people.

I unapologetically like what I like, usually say what I want, and am learning to not give a flying rat’s keister about if new people like me or not. (I do try not to be offensive or rude though.)

Next fact! My favorite question to ask people I’ve just met is, “Tell me something random about yourself that I might not guess.” Their reaction and what they choose to talk about is often more telling than fact itself. Your mission if you choose to accept it? Tell me something about yourself that I might not guess. You have until the end of this post to think about what to share.

So what might you not guess about me? Well, I’m a total nerd. I love learning new things. I like math and numbers, science and experiments, unusual or interesting words, typography and fonts, themed parties, reading books, writing letters, doing puzzles, and lots of other nerdy things. Explaining DNA and genetics to N and later showing her how HEX codes work and what fonts go together? My nerdy heart almost exploded! (Currently, we’re experimenting with capillary action and how different flowers draw up water to their petals with colored water.)

You might guess this, but I get really excited and caught up in moments. When they’re good moments it’s charming, when they’re less than good moments, it’s less charming. I’m also likely to get “stuck” in bad moments and relive them over and over. It can be a really hard cycle to break, but I’m working on it.

Last thing for today you might not guess. Hmm. I’m always working on being my best me, but I’m learning to redefine what “best” might mean. I’ve engaged in a life long battle with my weight and acceptance of my faults. I’m learning not to battle them so much as manage the feelings attached to them.

A big part of doing that is recognizing  anxiety is how my brain manifests my particular brand of depression. While I’m told what I have is high-functioning anxiety, it is a struggle many days. I work on it, within it, and sometimes around it. (I will sometimes share my struggles and my triumphs. It’s not for the attention. I’d rather no one know I struggle. C’mon, my independent, capable, I can do anything, self is in jeopardy if you know that! But if someone “like me” is struggling and you are too, maybe we can help each other with it. No one is alone here.

So there’s a little about me, now it’s your turn to tell me something random about yourself that I might not guess.

The Good Stuff: Um, lately

Fotor_155363258325712There’s a lot of crap out there. Crappy news, crappy people. Really crappy moments. I think it’s important to pay attention to the good things. Remember them and carry those with you or the bad things keep weighing you down.

Besides, when you look for the good things, you find more good things and maybe life isn’t quite so bad.

If it’s not your style (yet, because you can totally retrain your brain), I challenge you to find one good thing about today – even if it’s something tiny. (Also a former CIA analyst shared some coping strategies for the bad stuff.)

Life has been busier than normal with my boss on maternity leave, a presentation that wasn’t going to write itself, lots of b-ball to finish (and the start of softball), viruses, etc and I wasn’t able to make all of that, my sanity, and this space a priority so something had to give. But, now I can breathe again (mentally and physically), I so thought I’d pop in and share some really great things that have been going on. It’s been awhile!

Moments to make me smile:

  • Wizard of Oz on the big screen and sushi with Sue!
  • The quiet moments the girls reach for hugs or snuggles.
  • Sending snail mail
  • Successful Valenties’s for the kiddos
  • Adventure days with E
  • Irish Nachos
  • Coloring
  • Gluten free black licorice
  • Sharing a bit of Boston and the NEA with the kiddos and Nik
  • Having great conversations with kiddos about what I need to know for my job.
  • Having the right answers
  • Snowmobiling
  • Reading 6 books in two weeks.
  • Nerding out with N (science, Harry Potter, artsy stuff, and Rebel Girls)
  • Productive travel for work
  • Seeing E take to softball
  • A perfect glass of pinot grigio over ice
  • Basketball fun but also that it’s done
  • Amazing conversations you never expected
  • Making “mom” friends – and I’ve met some wonderful people out in the country!
  • Checking things off to-do lists
  • Finding the perfect gifts
  • Seeing Adri and meeting her grandmother!
  • Having a safe car for driving in the snow
  • Aerial yoga and being invited to coteach occasionally
  • Getting a project piece out and being done with it for now

Good reads:

I’ve also read the following books that I enjoyed so you can expect reviews for them:

  • Queen of Klutz
  • I Owe You One
  • Pretty in Punxstawney

I’ll likely lump the ones I didn’t love into one post.

Favorite pics:
2019-03-27_12-09-48 2019-03-27_12-05-20
You can see more pictures on my Instagram.

Podcasts you might like:

I’ve really branched out what I listen to in the car these days! (I still listen to My Favorite Murder, Last Podcast on the Left, Smart Mouth, and Gone, but I’ve added a few more.)

  • Mobituaries with Mo Rocca
  • Stuff You Should Know
  • Ask A Manager

Music to feed my soul:

There hasn’t been anything that sticks out video wise. Mostly we just have Google play a station these days. I have been listening to a lot of 90s on 9 and Pop Rock in the car. Lots of fun memories and sing-alongs!

Do you have anything new to share?

How about you? What good things do you have for the first quarter of the year?

The Good Stuff: September-October

On the water and last bit of summer in my face

There’s a lot of crap out there. Crappy news, crappy people. Really crappy moments. I think it’s important to pay attention to the good things. Remember them and carry those with you or the bad things keep weighing you down.

Besides, when you look for the good things, you find more good things and maybe life isn’t quite so bad.

If it’s not your style (yet, because you can totally retrain your brain), I challenge you to find one good thing about today – even if it’s something tiny. (Also a former CIA analyst shared some coping strategies for the bad stuff.)

Last night and this morning were hard. It seems the further I get from the harsh anxiety I used to deal with day in and out, the harder it hits when it sneaks up on me. Damn whoremones I tell you.

I’m making it a point to put this together to focus on the good in my life.

Moments to make me smile:

  • Two months off from sports
  • Crafts with the girls
  • People watching at a nearby Walmart
  • Sick time to use when I can’t see after a migraine
  • One perfect glass of Pinot Grigio (with ice)
  • Wonderful girls to brunch with
  • Wrapping up a major project
  • Babies to welcome to the family.
  • Beautiful sunsets
  • Hot tea
  • Pop doing well in surgery
  • Sushi lunches
  • Cool nights by the fire
  • Giggling with N & E
  • Party planning
  • Walking away with my head held high when it was their intention to tear me down
  • Fall colors against the blue sky
  • A hugely successful party and birthday
  • How much better I feel when I drink 80-90 oz of water. Yeah I pee a lot, but it’s a few quiet moments
  • A successful Halloween costume for me – except for the teeth because I couldn’t get them to stick. (I was a Warm Vampire. I know a lot of women would have gone for a sexy one, but frankly I like being warm better.)

Good reads:

September and October had me re-reading The Girl with Silver Eyes to read with N and just for fun I started The Homecoming again. I’m also working on some NetGalley books but they haven’t been great so they’re hard to get through. I’ve also been reading federal and NY regs on Lunch Shaming, federal grant administration, and my favorite and yours! Changes to the NYS Sexual Harassment laws. Oh and we can’t forget kids books. E recently discovered Fancy Nancy and I love how much she loves it.

And now onto the web. The (in)glorious web.

Favorite pics:
Fotor_15381812067588Fotor_153767202406634 Fotor_153925939027394Fotor_153767212116042

You can see more pictures on my Instagram.

Podcasts you might like:

  • The Joe Rogan Experience with Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me with Anna Kendrick

Music to feed my soul:

How about you? What good things do you have for September and October to share?

The Good Stuff: May-August

Killin’ time with our girls at the playground

There’s a lot of crap out there. Crappy news, crappy people. Really crappy moments. I think it’s important to pay attention to the good things. Remember them and carry those with you or the bad things keep weighing you down.

Besides, when you look for the good things, you find more good things and maybe life isn’t quite so bad.

If it’s not your style (yet, because you can totally retrain your brain), I challenge you to find one good thing about today – even if it’s something tiny. (Also a former CIA analyst shared some coping strategies for the bad stuff.)

I’ve totally let this go too long and am trying to do 4 months in one shot. Some of it was a blur, but I’ll do my best to pick out some standout smiles, joy, and wonderful moments. I don’t want to jinx it, but life is pretty good these days. Even the crappy days are often better than my best days before.

It’s been quite the summer, possibly the best ever since I was 18 or 19. (Those were pretty great!)

Moments to make me smile:

  • Trading in my goggles for my glove and helping to coach N’s softball (who went on to clean sweep the All Star Tournament)
  • Road Trip with Daddy-O to see OG
  • Every time we sat down to share a meal with family or friends.
  • Camping for Nik’s b’day
  • New acquaintances who will hopefully turn into friends. If nothing else, they’re friendly faces to chat with while we wait for kid stuff to be done.
  • Hours in the garden – even the hot, sticky, gross ones!
  • B & Z Kid’s weekend
  • Bonfires
  • Adventures
  • New yoga
  • Nik having my back
  • New babies in the family
  • Getting back into reading
  • Giggling with N & E
  • Seeing everyone at a family wedding.
  • Restorative Justice training at work.
  • Great chats, emails, snail mails and texts with my best girls
  • My hair self highlighting and lightening to a color I love.
  • The quiet moments the girls reach for hugs or snuggles.
  • Sharing joys with friends (Seriously a lot of them make my heart swell in love, pride, hopefulness, and excitement.)
  • Broski being stateside.

Good reads:

Favorite pics:

You can see more pictures on my Instagram.

Podcasts you might like:

I’ve really branched out what I listen to in the car these days! A few of my favorites:

  • Gone, Conspiracy Theories, Unexplained Mysteries (these are all done by the same people)
  • S-Town (although I have mixed feelings about this one conceptually)
  • Smart Mouth
  • Wait Wait Don’t Tell me
  • Smash Boom Best
  • Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
  • Story Time – Children’s bedtime stories
  • Pride and Prejudice

I still listen to Last Podcast on the Left and My Favorite Murders, but I’m trying to expand my horizons. I also listened to a whole series on Prohibition which was super interesting, but I can’t find it now.

Music to feed my soul:

There hasn’t been anything that sticks out video wise. Mostly we just have Google play a station these days. Do you have anything new to share?

How about you? What good things do you have for February and March to share?

Five Things

This is me some days.
Other days you might get a better version.
Or not.

I was looking for something earlier this week and found the first Five Things post I did. I forgot how much I like that format better than a list. Lists are great, don’t get me wrong. But I want something that feels more like me.

So! I’m sharing five current “things” with you: Recent challenges, triumphs, funnies,  OMG, and a question.

I invite you to share either in the comments or to CourtisHereNow[at]gmail{dot}come to share yours.

My current challenge is figuring out what my purpose is for this life and what my “more” might be. I’ve been thinking about it since I went to see the Made for More movie with some girlfriends. What if community building, working hard, being kind, spreading light and love is what I’m meant to do? Does life have be done Bigger? Is who I am today good enough for this season in life or do I have to do it better? Also drinking enough water is hard. I increased my intake and now I’m thirsty all the time.

A recent triumph is the connection I’ve been building with the girls over the last few months. N reaches for a hug, asks me for help with things, and we’re reading a book together. E will just look at me and say, “Am I your E?” and I say yes to which she replies, “I love you Courtahney.” She loves cooking with me, when I read her books, playing in the tub, and crafting.

There have been a lot of laughs in our home lately. One that particularly stands out was when N asked Nik, “Daddy, you got me a dog, how come you won’t get Court one?” I pinky swear I didn’t put her up to that one!)

Weeding pumpkin day. It was so gross.
I was so gross.

Now, the biggest OMG moment I can talk about lately has to be how damn hot it was for awhile. I know July and August in Upstate NY can be hot, humid, and hazy, but it feels like it was even more brutal than usual. I’m sweating just thinking about it.

And for today’s question, do you think you need to have a Big life or are you happy with where you are now? Do you HAVE to do more? Or is being the best you that you are today good?

How about you? Care to share a challenge, triumph, funny moment, an OMG, or answer the question above?

The Good Stuff: February and March

Tubing was cold but so much fun!

Life got away from me so how about a couple of months of The Good Stuff? Better late than never, right?

There’s a lot of crap out there. Crappy news, crappy people. Really crappy moments. I think it’s important to pay attention to the good things. Remember them and carry those with you or the bad things keep weighing you down.

Besides, when you look for the good things, you find more good things and maybe life isn’t quite so bad.

If it’s not your style (yet, because you can totally retrain your brain), I challenge you to find one good thing about today – even if it’s something tiny.

February and March were jam packed with great things even if it was a very stressful time. There was packing and moving, house closing stuff, snow storms, illness, Daddy-O’s surgery etc. All of the difficult moments were offset by many lovely moments too. Here’s a few from the time.

Moments to make me smile:

  • Making use of the snow and tubing with the kids.
  • Still having a good relationship with Frank so we can get stuff done and sorted without angst or fights.
  • The Shark hand vac which has been named “BeatleJuice”
  • Surprise b’day invites from you sisterfriend’s husband
  • Gluten free chocolate cake surprise
  • Hugs from my swim kiddos
  • Solar powered, motion activated security light for the house
  • Settling into a life together and the kids finding their groove
  • Missing the pool here and there, but not as much as I thought I would (I do still miss my kiddos and co-workers though.)
  • Daddy-o’s surgery going really well and laughs with his doctor and being able to take time off to help and be there for him.
  • My niece following me on Instagram and messaging me
  • Work presentations going well and easy travel
  • Great chats, emails, snail mails and texts with my best girls
  • Getting my hair cut off
  • The local to me grocery store stocking coconut creamer and a decent gf selection
  • Seeing fb posts from my swim kids parents about their successes in and out of the pool. I’m such a lucky duck these parents share.
  • Running into old friends at the store
  • Sharing Bucketfeet with others (Including N who got boxing t-rexes!)
  • Giggling with N & E
  • Snack drawer at work

Good reads:

Favorite pics:





You can see more pictures on my Instagram.

Podcasts you might like:

I won’t lie, I listen to Last Podcast on the Left almost all of the time unless the kids are with me. Then I listen to Brain’s On.

Music to feed my soul:

BatGirl shared another song with me and it was fun, but this played right after and I love it!

This is an old favorite too…

How about you? What good things do you have for February and March to share?

The Good Stuff: January

It’s not often I feel pretty in a picture.
I did here

I meant to post this yesterday, but the day got away from me. Instead of a cup of coffee today, would you care to join me for The Good Stuff from January? Coffee is always one of the good things!

There’s a lot of crap out there. Crappy news, crappy people. Really crappy moments. I think it’s important to pay attention to the good things. Remember them and carry those with you or the bad things keep weighing you down.

Besides, when you look for the good things, you find more good things and maybe life isn’t quite so bad.

If it’s not your style (yet), I challenge you to find one good thing about today – even if it’s something tiny.

Moments to make me smile:

  • Lovely human beings to share my life with
  • Magic bean water
  • The treadmill at the office gym (even if I don’t really LIKE running)
  • Encouragement from unlikely sources
  • App to talk to MJ while he’s gone
  • Google to settle debates (like the rules for UNO)
  • Being handy
  • Amazon
  • Finding a house we like and can rent
  • One on one time with N & E
  • People who understand complicated situations and have good insight into them
  • Being adaptable
  • House buyer finally getting approved and all of the sales contract items being met (now to get to closing)
  • Su(e)shi dates
  • Watching N play basketball

Good reads:

And these books.

Favorite pics:

I love sharing work space with him.
Sammi is a good coffee date. 
I love this skirt. The birds make me happy.
So does the pizza I was waiting for.
I did it and didn’t die. (It being running)

Podcasts you might like:

I’ve been listening to a lot of My Dad Wrote a Porno, The Moth, and a Oprah Super Soul Conversation. More on them later.

Music to feed my soul:

This is really cute.

This one has a place in my heart.

This one’s been getting a lot of play. Thanks Boss Baby!

How about you? What good things do you have for January to share?