What day is it?

Right before I fell.
I tried again, though.
It’s what I do.

Holy bananas, it’s been awhile and so much has happened. Or maybe not, it’s hard to tell because my brain is fried to a mush.

It’s the kind of mush that left me feeling sad earlier this week when I went to get dressed and google told me it wasn’t Friday morning.

That was Tuesday. It’s been a long week.

Among other things which are still being kept quiet but are impactful on my psyche, you know how we made an offer on a house and it was accepted? Yeah? No bueno.

The inspection report came back so much worse than we thought it possibly could.  It was 71 pages of bad with lots of yellow and red highlights. (Also, I’m reasonably certain the listing misrepresented things like heating sources.)

Instead, we looked at and made an offer on a different, smaller house that still suits our needs quite nicely. It does need an extra half bathroom, but we can add that.

After some finagling (including a letter to the seller about who we are and why we wanted their house), we got it.

We have the inspection for this house on Monday, so I’ll report back. Thankfully, so much of the process is done already, it’s not starting from scratch.

It’s a really anxious process and I don’t like it at all. I’ve been managing my anxiety as best I can, but there have been texts to Nik or others of, “Tell me something good, I’m sliding into a panic attack” or something similar. I’ve been taking time to decompress, get out of my own head, and practice self care. Helping teach Thursday nights has been helpful because we have to keep the kids safe while having fun. Sundays are mostly for me or a teaching session and me unless someone makes plans with me otherwise. I’ve been busy with managing a fundraiser on behalf of Daddy-O, helping manage marketing and social media for yoga and Nik’s dad, picking green beans in the really hot, sticky, sun, starting to clean stuff out, and working through my yarn stash a bit.

(Why do the green beans have to be picked on the hottest, stickiest days?)

Hopefully the anxiety sorting and productivity now means less to do later! Or who knows, maybe I’ll have enough to do a craft show in the fall. I haven’t done one of those in awhile.

How are you managing your topsy turvy?

(While things are topsy turvy, you can follow me on Instagram for small glimpses into my world if you’re interested. I had to go private because of reasons, but if I know you, I’ll approve you.)

Friday Five: Things I still want to do this summer…


Eating all the zucchini and garlic in everything!

I keep seeing signs that fall is coming. While the colors are lovely in their own right and I would have taken a picture, it was slightly depressing to see the leaves already changing colors here and there. We won’t talk about the ones which have fallen to the ground and are blowing around.


The upshot is that it means pumpkins are coming (and the scratches on my arms from weeding them the other day are proof!) It also means tomatoes are coming on fast, green beans and blueberries are in the freezer already, and apples are just around the corner.

(For the record, I’m not talking about pumpkin spice – that only belongs in baking – I’m talking about real pumpkins here.)

I LOVE fall. I don’t love everything about it, but I love a lot. It can wait it’s turn though –  we have some summer left to enjoy!

There are a few specific things I want to enjoy still so I’m hoping the weather holds out:

  1. One more set of fireworks if we can find some.
  2. A water-balloon fight
  3. A day by the water (pool, lake, creek it doesn’t matter)
  4. Make sure my summer shoes have all been worn and get a little love.
  5. A trip to the fair.

It’s not a crazy list, let’s see if I can get it done. Even though many consider summer to be over Labor Day weekend, I think it lasts as long as the weather is warm enough to enjoy it. What do you want to still do this summer? When do you think summer is done?