Mission Move More – Aerial Yoga

My hands were down so I stopped swinging.

I thought I’d check in on my Mission Move More. It’s, um, going. I can make all the excuses in the world, but the fact remains I didn’t do so well with it. (It’s been Upstate NY in July x100 around here lately – humid, hot, buggy, and then rain.) But last week I signed up for an aerial yoga class.

See, I was looking for a new yoga  studio or class. Why? Because, I am forced to admit to myself I’m not good at keeping up with a home practice. E and I tried some together. I did it a couple of other times, too, but unless I put it on my calendar and go somewhere else, I just don’t do it.

I think at home there are just too many distractions of other things I can or feel like I should be doing to get my ass on the mat.

I found a studio not far from my house with a decent drop in price. I was looking at class times and saw they offered an aerial class! This is super exciting because I’ve wanted to try it FOREVER. (The place in Albany is pricey, always busy, and had a really inconvenient schedule.)  I found out there was a class on Sunday which I could make it.

Here’s the thing…I was a little nervous because I don’t love going new places alone. I really prefer to have a buddy with me for adventures, but I put on my brave pants, my favorite yoga shirt, and went over.

As I felt some anxiety creeping in, I reminded myself that I wasn’t scared of falling, I have a pretty solid foundation in yoga even if I am out of practice, and I’m strong mentally and physically.

I could do this.

And I did! Sure, I wasn’t good, I still don’t have a core worth a damn and it took me a few tries to figure stuff out sometimes, but I made it through the class with a smile on my face and a new love for something I hadn’t tried before.  (I also found out my favorite yoga shirt isn’t helpful in an aerial class because it’s too slippery!)

I think what I liked best (other than the new way to stretch different parts of my body which absolutely need it!) was that for a bit you feel like you’re flying and floating in your very own little pod. I was totally surrounded in a yellow pocket of space and time, just breathing.

It was lovely.

A word of caution: It is not for anyone claustrophobic, afraid of not having their feet on the ground, or who may get motion sick. There’s sometimes a slight feeling of dizziness so if you don’t enjoy that, it may not be for you. None of that bothers me in the least so it was great!

I’m happy to go again if someone wants to try it.