The Good Stuff: April

Signs of life.

There’s a lot of crap out there. Crappy news, crappy people. Really crappy moments. I think it’s important to pay attention to the good things. Remember them and carry those with you or the bad things keep weighing you down.

Besides, when you look for the good things, you find more good things and maybe life isn’t quite so bad.

If it’s not your style (yet, because you can totally retrain your brain), I challenge you to find one good thing about today – even if it’s something tiny.

April was a pretty good month! We’re finding our groove as a family, I’m adjusting to the meds quite nicely I think and there was a lot to smile about and be thankful for. April  wasn’t without it’s challenges, but overall, I’d have to say it was a pretty good month.

Moments to make me smile:

  • Getting the outside shaped up
  • Warmer days even if they were mixed with more snow
  • Hugs from my swim kiddos
  • Getting the Google Mini hooked up
  • One on one talks with N and E
  • Wrapping up a few really big projects at work so you don’t have to bring stuff home anymore.
  • Sick days when you get a belly bug – UGH
  • Talking periodic table, molecules, compounds, amino acids and DNA with N
  • The house feeling like home. (It sort of just clicked one day that it feels like “Home” now)
  • Signs of life coming back
  • Family dinners
  • Birthday wishes from near and far and surprise gluten free bday treats at work
  • Good follow up with the doc
  • Coming through heated disagreements stronger even if it takes some time
  • Getting organized to get the washer and dryer!
  • Girlfriends to have weird boundary-less conversations with
  • E claiming me as hers.

Good reads:

  • This doesn’t surprise me , but I don’t know if it’s for the reasons they’re claiming. Women Who Watched “The X-Files” Pursued More Careers In STEM
  • I don’t know if this is always the right approach, but it’s definitely interesting to consider The unique way the Dutch treat mentally ill prisoners
  • It can be so pretty! But be careful
  • I’ve met a lot of people who fit this description through the years “athletic talent, fearlessness, and mental illness” and this was a tough read but I’m glad I got through it. It sheds some light on losing some of the people we’ve lost. The Boy Who Lived on Edge
  • During the time when Frank and I tried and tried to have a baby, I rarely felt like a failure because it didn’t happen for us, but there were definitely moments where I did. It was recently National Infertility Awareness Week and I read countless posts about it from blogs and sites I used to follow a lot more. This post spoke to me most though about flipping the language because we often shape our feelings around a topic based on the words we use. The End of Shame and Stigma #NIAW #flipthescript

Favorite pics:

2018-05-02_12-08-31 Fotor_152268156129391


You can see more pictures on my Instagram.

Podcasts you might like:

I stick by Brain’s On and Last Podcast on the Left , but I’d be in the wrong if I didn’t tell you that I gave My Favorite Murder another chance and was pleasantly surprised by how much I like it now. I think what I like best is that while sometimes the sound of their voices grate on me, they have good messages to share. They own their mental health (and encourage others to do the same) and addiction struggles, encourage self acceptance, have a solid equality stance, give back to the community and several other positive things that escape me at the moment. I think what I appreciate the most is that they use their popular platform to do good things and embrace who they are.

Music to feed my soul:

Google played this. I forgot how much I love this song. There’s a really long set up and intro you can watch if you want, but I linked the song where it starts.

How about you? What good things do you have for April to share?

The Good Stuff: February and March

Tubing was cold but so much fun!

Life got away from me so how about a couple of months of The Good Stuff? Better late than never, right?

There’s a lot of crap out there. Crappy news, crappy people. Really crappy moments. I think it’s important to pay attention to the good things. Remember them and carry those with you or the bad things keep weighing you down.

Besides, when you look for the good things, you find more good things and maybe life isn’t quite so bad.

If it’s not your style (yet, because you can totally retrain your brain), I challenge you to find one good thing about today – even if it’s something tiny.

February and March were jam packed with great things even if it was a very stressful time. There was packing and moving, house closing stuff, snow storms, illness, Daddy-O’s surgery etc. All of the difficult moments were offset by many lovely moments too. Here’s a few from the time.

Moments to make me smile:

  • Making use of the snow and tubing with the kids.
  • Still having a good relationship with Frank so we can get stuff done and sorted without angst or fights.
  • The Shark hand vac which has been named “BeatleJuice”
  • Surprise b’day invites from you sisterfriend’s husband
  • Gluten free chocolate cake surprise
  • Hugs from my swim kiddos
  • Solar powered, motion activated security light for the house
  • Settling into a life together and the kids finding their groove
  • Missing the pool here and there, but not as much as I thought I would (I do still miss my kiddos and co-workers though.)
  • Daddy-o’s surgery going really well and laughs with his doctor and being able to take time off to help and be there for him.
  • My niece following me on Instagram and messaging me
  • Work presentations going well and easy travel
  • Great chats, emails, snail mails and texts with my best girls
  • Getting my hair cut off
  • The local to me grocery store stocking coconut creamer and a decent gf selection
  • Seeing fb posts from my swim kids parents about their successes in and out of the pool. I’m such a lucky duck these parents share.
  • Running into old friends at the store
  • Sharing Bucketfeet with others (Including N who got boxing t-rexes!)
  • Giggling with N & E
  • Snack drawer at work

Good reads:

Favorite pics:





You can see more pictures on my Instagram.

Podcasts you might like:

I won’t lie, I listen to Last Podcast on the Left almost all of the time unless the kids are with me. Then I listen to Brain’s On.

Music to feed my soul:

BatGirl shared another song with me and it was fun, but this played right after and I love it!

This is an old favorite too…

How about you? What good things do you have for February and March to share?