Friday Five: Things I still want to do this summer…


Eating all the zucchini and garlic in everything!

I keep seeing signs that fall is coming. While the colors are lovely in their own right and I would have taken a picture, it was slightly depressing to see the leaves already changing colors here and there. We won’t talk about the ones which have fallen to the ground and are blowing around.


The upshot is that it means pumpkins are coming (and the scratches on my arms from weeding them the other day are proof!) It also means tomatoes are coming on fast, green beans and blueberries are in the freezer already, and apples are just around the corner.

(For the record, I’m not talking about pumpkin spice – that only belongs in baking – I’m talking about real pumpkins here.)

I LOVE fall. I don’t love everything about it, but I love a lot. It can wait it’s turn though –  we have some summer left to enjoy!

There are a few specific things I want to enjoy still so I’m hoping the weather holds out:

  1. One more set of fireworks if we can find some.
  2. A water-balloon fight
  3. A day by the water (pool, lake, creek it doesn’t matter)
  4. Make sure my summer shoes have all been worn and get a little love.
  5. A trip to the fair.

It’s not a crazy list, let’s see if I can get it done. Even though many consider summer to be over Labor Day weekend, I think it lasts as long as the weather is warm enough to enjoy it. What do you want to still do this summer? When do you think summer is done?

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